Well said, Matt. I have a lot of respect for the Founding Fathers and the political structure they created. I feel blessed to have been born into American society, despite its many contradictions and failings. However, I often wonder what the D of I and Constitution would be like if there had been a few independent and intelligent Founding Mothers in the mix.
Thank you, Jack. I agree the democracy they described is magnificent and was at the time revolutionary. That I tried to express here. I struggle, however, to hold together their "enlightened" pursuit of reason and justice, together with their dependence on the fiction of race as a fundamental organizational principle, and their establishment on land that people already lived. James Madison dreamed of America in it's posterity as a "pinnacle of reason, benevolence, and brotherly affection", but that was not possible in the world he build. Constitutions can make democracy possible, but they do not guarantee it. How the words of a constitution are practiced and embodied ultimately defines the political body. As to imagining founding mothers, I look to Montana's Constitution of 1972 - a magnificent document. This year marks the 50th year anniversary of the document. Read the account of the local reporter who covered the convention way back when here: https://montanafreepress.org/2022/03/25/reporter-chuck-johnson-recalls-montana-constitutional-convention-of-1972/
Beautiful and heartbreaking. The world I get to enjoy vs the reality for so many others. Thank you for continuing to put your voice into the world and the nudge to continue to use mine for the benefit of others
Insightful, timely and inspiring as always!
the fuzz is for everyone amigo
Fantastic job Matt. Agreed in so many things!! Let’s work for a better world!!
Thank you Mayo, that's right - vamos!
beautiful work!
thanks yo! ready for book club?
Powerful words that will lead more people into action for a just and peaceful world. Bravo✨
planting figs!
Well said, Matt. I have a lot of respect for the Founding Fathers and the political structure they created. I feel blessed to have been born into American society, despite its many contradictions and failings. However, I often wonder what the D of I and Constitution would be like if there had been a few independent and intelligent Founding Mothers in the mix.
Thank you, Jack. I agree the democracy they described is magnificent and was at the time revolutionary. That I tried to express here. I struggle, however, to hold together their "enlightened" pursuit of reason and justice, together with their dependence on the fiction of race as a fundamental organizational principle, and their establishment on land that people already lived. James Madison dreamed of America in it's posterity as a "pinnacle of reason, benevolence, and brotherly affection", but that was not possible in the world he build. Constitutions can make democracy possible, but they do not guarantee it. How the words of a constitution are practiced and embodied ultimately defines the political body. As to imagining founding mothers, I look to Montana's Constitution of 1972 - a magnificent document. This year marks the 50th year anniversary of the document. Read the account of the local reporter who covered the convention way back when here: https://montanafreepress.org/2022/03/25/reporter-chuck-johnson-recalls-montana-constitutional-convention-of-1972/
Thanks again for reading and commenting!
I’d also add that the political councils displaced by settlers operated democratically, with purpose, and based on broad, genuine consent.
Beautiful and heartbreaking. The world I get to enjoy vs the reality for so many others. Thank you for continuing to put your voice into the world and the nudge to continue to use mine for the benefit of others
we're all in this together Page, thank you!